Serving Champions
Maybe you’ve heard that well-used adage common in team sports lore…
“If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.”
Well, we are not out to beat anybody per se. But at Elite Feet, USA, we still like the sentiment of that quote, particularly with one small semantic change:
If you want to be the best, partner with the best.”

Yes… that’s more like it! And that is exactly what Elite Feet USA has done — partner with the best. We are pleased to announce our collaboration with one of the premier sports medicine and performance organizations in the country — the University of Colorado Sports Medicine and Performance Center.
CU has long been known as a leader in both research and practice within the fields of sports medicine, athletic performance, physical therapy, and health and wellness. Going back to the mid-80’s, CU’s leading role in developing cutting edge care for athletes has been well-documented and appreciated across the land. Initially created to care for the needs of big-time college athletes, the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center is so much more than that today. While they continue to provide CU athletes with cutting edge care (diagnosis, prevention, surgery, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning… on and on!), they are equally eager to provide care and guidance for all athletes — from professional endurance athletes… to college athletes… to youth athletes… and for the rest of us champion weekend warriors that still love to get out and go as best we can!
A partnership for all athletes
Elite Feet USA is delighted to share the news of our partnership with the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center. The partnership is built on a commitment to work together to provide you with the care you need — research-based treatment and guidance at CU, with cutting edge custom orthotic technology at Elite Feet, USA.
As the folks at the Sports Medicine and Performance Center are fond of saying, we are here, working together…
To Serve the Champion Inside You!
If you are looking for custom orthotics – you don’t have to live in Boulder, or Colorado for that matter. Use the Elite Feet USA custom orthotic order form and we’ll get to back on your feet in no time. Of course, if you are in Austin, Texas or Boulder, Colorado – we’d love to see you – contact Tammy for a consultation. Serving the champion inside you.